Travel expenses
Do you live far, maybe we can arrange something, I do have the care of my little one. I have my campervan as a home, so sleeping can be arranged.
I ask 20ct per km.
Preparation & Care
Preparation for your locomotive Journey
Don't wash your hair on the two days before or on the day of your appointment
Wash your hair at least the last two washes without any conditioners but preferably with shampoo for local like soap bars from nature box, happy soaps and Dolly locks. Any shampoo residue free that doesn't make your hair soft will do, even shampoo for greasy hair. You know your hair so if you know your hair is already dry or itself don't make it any dryer to keep them healthy.
No special tools, sprays or waxes are needed after installation! Red rubbing (when dry) and palm rolling (after showering) on damp hair is enough but is not mandatorymandatory.
It's all up to how much care you want to put in and on which look you are aiming. If you don't want lumps and bumps then palm rolling is your go to. Root rubbing will help your new growth lock and help with locking your new growth when crocheting it on your maintenance appointment.
Fluff and frizzynes are normal in the first year. We call this the baby dreads phase of your journey. They will mature and thicken a little bit in this stage and even shrink a little. Some locs/hair textures are more prone to do this. Also the type of shampoo can make it more frizzy.
You can wash as often as you want even after installation! Just make sure your locs are dry to the core before you start washing again to avoid the wet dog smell effect
Take a hair elastic and/ or hair wrap with you to the appointment. Sometimes they jump up and do crazy stuff due to the tightness and maybe shortness of your baby locs.
I don't recommend hair wraps, strings when getting started. This will interfere with the maturing of your locs making more lumps and bumps and parts that can't felt/ thicken. After the second maintenance you can look into it.
Enjoy the journey!
You can ask away on your appointment and after through WhatsApp